Flo-Joe for Cambridge English Exams

Cambridge English: Proficiency

Try Flo-Joe's latest CPE Writing task

Writing Criteria (go to Task)

Writing Paper Part 2. Task Type: Article

Should include a description of at least one good and bad memory of school days.
Communicative achievement
Could range from formal to informal, as long as the register is consistent throughout the article. The tone could be humorous and lighthearted. The article should be sufficiently well written for the editor to consider publication. N.B. It should not contain any material that would be considered offensive or libellous to former classmates or teachers!
The article should be organised into clear paragraphs, with one paragraph devoted to the best and and another to the worst memory.
Language of description, narration of past events (using a range of appropriate past tenses) and some evaluation (e.g. "I learned a lot about myself during this period...").
Vocabulary to describe your reaction to events (e.g. 'memorable', 'never to be forgotten', 'unforgettable', etc.). Does not have to be completely accurate but any errors should be minimal.


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