Check out students' answers to Flo-Joe's FCE Writing tasks with a teacher's feedback
You have been asked by the editor of your school magazine to write an article on the following topic:
Today's television "A load of old rubbish" or "More choice than ever before"? Is today's television still good value for money? |
Write your article for the magazine (around 140-190 words).
Read Nadan's answer to this question below. Try correcting the piece of writing yourself first: use the marking codes to think about what might be wrong (or what's good) about the piece of work. Then when you're ready, click the green buttons in the text for our feedback.
TV: Is it a good thing? Television is one of the most important inventions of the century. Almost everyone owns a TV set at home today. Be it educational or entertainment, life would be so boring without one nowadays. Gd First of all, thanks to television we have the latest information at our fingertips Gd. A further advantage is that old people living alone find television a - On the other hand, too much television can create problems in the family. If it /\ Television, nevertheless, remains one of the most interesting inventions. Carefully controlled viewing makes it an indispensable instrument in our daily lives P |
This article demonstrates excellent language control; it is virtually error-free.
Let's look closely at the task itself now.
Today's television: "A load of old rubbish" or "More choice than ever before"?
Is today's television still good value for money?
Unfortunately you don't really get to grips with the above questions. What you have written is more of a generalised essay on TV rather than a comment on its quality and value for money. You have to be very careful in the exam to answer all aspects of the tasks or you could lose valuable marks.
To sum up, therefore, there are no problems in terms of language expression - just make sure that you pay close attention to the task in the exam and answer the right question!
/\ Word(s) missing
- Omit word
C Capitalization
Gd Good
O Organisation
P Punctuation
PE Poorly expressed
R Register/Formality
SS Sentence Structure
S Spelling
T Tip
WF Wrong form
WO Word order
WT Wrong tense
WW Wrong word