CPE Use of English   (Exit)

Part 4: Key Word Transformation (Common lexical patterns)

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.

1 “Why don’t you listen when I talk to you?” said my wife.
My wife accused me of ................ when she was talking.

2. Seeing as you broke the window you shouldn’t have said someone else was responsible.
It was wrong of you to ................ someone else after you broke the window.

3. I used to try winning arguments against Jonathan but I eventually decided there was no point.
I have ................ that it is pointless trying to win an argument against Jonathan.

4 Doctors believe that people who smoke regularly are more likely to die prematurely.
Doctors believe that a strong ................ smoking and premature death

5 When I forgot to do the washing up my mother became really angry with me.
My mother ................ me because I forgot to do the washing up.

6 The conflict between the two political parties will carry on for a long time.
The conflict between the two political parties is ................ over.

7 I didn’t expect to enjoy the concert performance as much as I did.
The concert performance .................

8 That the company is losing money is something that must be accepted.
The company must ................ it is losing money.

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