CAE Vocabulary   (Exit)

Clothes Idioms (1 2)

Written by: Martin Bache

1 English has a large number of idioms and expressions used to describe the clothes or appearance of people. Look at the following with a partner and match them with the correct explanation.

Either yourself or your clothes are described as:
1) "a dandy"
2) "a bit tarty"
3) "looking like a million dollars"
4) "a bit of a scruff"
5) "very chic"
6) "mutton dressed up as lamb"
7) "a fashion victim"
8) "very smart"
9) "a bit of a spiv"

a) Well dressed, usually in a formal way.
b) Someone who is dressed in an untidy or unkempt way eg. Homer Simpson.
c) Stylish.
d) Not very sophisticated or demure. A little sexually provocative.
e) A man with a great interest in clothes who perhaps dresses rather flamboyantly.

f) Looking very good.
g) Someone who always feels the need to have the latest clothes.
h) A person who is involved in suspect business deals and doesn't dress in the best of taste.
i) Dressing in a way that is too young for one's actual age.

2 Which are positive, and which negative? Some of them are more appropriate to describe women rather than men. Which are these?

3 Use the expressions above to complete the following sentences:

1. A: "How do I look?"
B: "To be honest, I'm not sure a silver halter-top, micro-mini and thigh length boots are entirely appropriate for your Grandmother's funeral - the whole effect is .............................. ."

2. A: "That's .................................. you're wearing. Is it new?"
B: Thanks. I've always fancied a chalk-striped, double-breasted suit, but was worried it would make me look ................................... ."
A: "No, you look ................................. ."

3. A: "Does my bottom look big in this? I'm not sure I can get away with a skirt this short anymore. I don't want to end up looking like .................................. ."
B: "Get a grip girl. We're not ready for our bus passes yet. I'm going to have my belly button pierced for the hen-night."

4. My brother-in-law has always been ................................. . He's never happier than when he's lounging around in his old jogging bottoms and baggy sweater with a hole in the elbow.

5 In my opinion, Audrey Hepburn always ............................... . With her gamine good looks she was the epitome of style.