FCE Use of English   (Exit)

Part 2: Open Cloze (Sentence Level Practice) (Answers)

Most of the categories covered in the previous exercises are tested below along with words that do not fit into these groups.

The following sentences contain a missing word. Write in the missing word.

1. We would have called you if we ............. known you were in.
2. I can't put ............. with this noise anymore. I'm going to complain.

3. Wait ............. minute. I'll see if I've got his address.

4. He failed his exam, ............. was a real surprise.

5. There have been many ............. refugees crossing the border during the last two days.

6. Manchester United won the game in ............. of the fact that they played with only 9 players.

7. This product should ............. consumed within 3 days.

8. It was ............. cold today we decided to stay at home.

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