Integrated Skills   (Exit)

Story Telling
Submitted by Corina Arguiñano

Hi teachers !
My name is Corina. I'm from Argentina. And I'd like to share this activity with you all.
First of all, you need a short story with true suspence and a twist at the end. You can get one from internet. It's really helpful if it has dialogue as well. (I picked up "Sorry, Dear", which is a crime story - the topic we are dealing with right now - by Guy Belleranti from <>
Then, cut the story into parts, right there, where you are anxious to continue reading. Distribute the first part. Assign roles to each student and let them act it out. After this, ask questions dealing with prediction, morals, law, etc. Anything that may come up while discussing it.
Do the same with every part.
Finally, don't give them the end!
Let them search it in the net (you may want to give them a clue for the search).
The following class everybody should have an ending. It doesn't matter if it is the true one.
In this way you'll be practising use of English (grammar and vocabulary), speaking (listening is included here), reading comprehension, and writing (if you assign a task such as writing the end of the story, or a newspaper article about the crime). As you see, you'll have practised the five areas required in the FCE in just one class.
Not to mention they'll be reading English willingly while searching for the end of the story and having fun!
Good luck!