Flo-Joe for Cambridge English Exams


Useful websites and webpages to help with Cambridge English exam preparation


HTML to link to sections of our sites

If you maintain a website or have your own blog and would like to link to particular resources on our website we can offer you the following to help speed up the process. Choose the exam section you'd like to link to and then whether you want a simple text-only link or a link with an image. Then copy the HTML in the appropriate grey box and use this on your site.

1) Link to Flo-Joe Homepage

A) Link appearance: text only

Flo-Joe: THE place on the web for Cambridge Exams

<a href="index.htm">Flo-Joe:
THE place on the web for Cambridge Exams</a>


B) Link appearance: text plus logo

Flo-Joe: THE place on the web for Cambridge Exams


<a href="index.htm">Flo-Joe:
THE place on the web for Cambridge Exams</a><br /><a href="index.htm"><img src="/images/logo1.jpg" width="309" height="100" border="0"></a>

2) Link to FCE Trainer

A) Link appearance: text only

Flo-Joe FCE Trainer: Preparation for First Certificate in English

<a href="/fce/students/index.htm">Flo-Joe FCE Trainer:
Preparation for First Certificate in English</a>


B) Link appearance: text plus logo

Flo-Joe FCE Trainer: Preparation for First Certificate in English



<a href="/fce/students/index.htm">Flo-Joe FCE Trainer: Preparation for First Certificate in English</a><br /><a HREF="/fce/students/index.htm"><img src="/images/logo1.jpg" width="309" height="100" border="0"></a>

3) Link to CAE Trainer

A) Link appearance: text only

Flo-Joe CAE Trainer: Preparation for the Certificate in Advanced English

<a href="/cae/students/index.htm">Flo-Joe CAE Trainer:
Preparation for the Certificate in Advanced English</a>


B) Link appearance: text plus logo

Flo-Joe CAE Trainer: Preparation for the Certificate in Advanced English


<a href="/cae/students/index.htm">Flo-Joe CAE Trainer:
Preparation for the Certificate in Advanced English</a><br /><a href="/cae/students/index.htm"><img src="/images/logo1.jpg" width="309" height="100" border="0"></a>

4) Link to CPE Trainer

A) Link appearance: text only

Flo-Joe CPE Trainer: Preparation for the Certificate in Proficiency in English

<a href="/cpe/students/index.htm">Flo-Joe CPE Trainer:
Preparation for the Certificate of Proficiency in English</a>


B) Link appearance: text plus logo

Flo-Joe CPE Trainer: Preparation for the Certificate in Proficiency in English


<a href="/cpe/students/index.htm">Flo-Joe CPE Trainer:
Preparation for the Certificate of Proficiency in English</a><br /><a HREF="/cpe/students/index.htm"><img src="/images/logo1.jpg" width="309" height="100" border="0"></A>











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