FCE Use of English

Part 2: Open Cloze

5) Conjunctions

Conjunctions (linking words) like 'but', 'and', 'yet' etc. will sometimes be the word you are looking for.

The following sentences contain a missing conjunction. Add the missing word.

1. ............. he felt quite ill he still went to work.

2. There was heavy traffic in the city today ............. of an accident.

3. You could come round to our house ............. we could meet at the cinema.

4. Candidates are not permitted to leave the room ............. they are accompanied by a member of staff.

5. You can have the job ............. you agree to work on Saturdays.

6. There will be strong winds in the north. ... , the south will remain warm and sunny.

7. He came top of his group ............. starting the course late.

8. ... you may be aware, I intend to retire at the end of the year.



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